
立达学院通过其 奖学金和助学金 自豪地支持无数优秀但经济困难的学生的教育梦想,帮助他们获得高质量的高等教育。每年,立达学院都会向不同的奖学金和助学金得主提供支持,其中包括学习成绩优异者、经济困难者、身体有障碍者,以及在音乐和体育方面有杰出才华的学生。学院的使命是赋予和激励学生追求学术卓越,最终培养出具备知识、技能和优良品质的毕业生,为行业和社区做出有意义的贡献。
Download Scholarship Guide
  • 立达学院提供的最负盛名的奖学金。该奖学金由I.K. Meek奖学金和立达学院奖学金基金提供。
  • 在SPM或IGCSE考试中获得9个(A+/A/A-)和10个(A+/A/A-)成绩的学生,在报名入学时有资格申请立达卓越奖学金(DISTED Excellence Scholarship),最高可获得100%的奖学金。
  • 展示强而有力的领导素质、团队合作能力、课外活动中的杰出表现、卓越的人际交往能力以及社区服务精神。
  • DISTED has established the Merit Award for enrolling student based on their IGCSE & SPM results, offering up to *80%  rebate on tuition fees.
  • All new students enrolling into year 2025 programmes will receive Merit Award according to the eligibility criteria and quantum (please refer to counselor).
  • 学生可以申请立达卓越奖学金 (DISTED Excellence Scholarship),但如果成功申请立达卓越奖学金,将自动应用金额最高的奖学金。


DISTED Merit Award
  1. Merit Award are open to all Malaysian nationalities who have sat for the relevant examinations and must be new students of the programme of study.
  2. Merit Award are given based on examination results and / or need basis set at the sole discretion of DISTED College.
  3. Merit Award are awarded on a first come, first served basis (where applicable), and are subject to the availability of the quota set in that particular Merit Award category.
  4. The application closing date is seven (7) calendar days from the programme commencement date. Late applications will not be accepted.
  5. Only results of two (2) years or less will be recognized for Merit Award application. 
  6. Applicants are required to register as a DISTED student and pay both the application fee and registration fee to be eligible for Merit Award.
DISTED Excellence Scholarship (9A’s & 10A’s)
  1. DISTED Excellence Scholarship is the most prestigious scholarship offered at DISTED College for all Malaysian nationalities.
  2. The scholarship may be offered in conjunction with external foundations such as I.K Meek Scholarship. 
  3. This Scholarship is given based on examination results (9A’s &10A’s) / or need basis set at the sole discretion of DISTED College.
  4. The scholarship applicants are required to attend an interview, and go through a selection process such as face-to-face presentation on selected topic.
  5. DISTED Excellence Scholarship provides full or partial tuition support and only a few distinguished students will be awarded.
  6. The Marketing Team or Counselor will inform you of the application deadline. Please note that late applications will not be accepted.
  7. Only results of two (2) years or less will be recognized for DISTED Excellence Scholarship application. DISTED Excellence Scholarship is given in first come, first served basis (where applicable), and are subject to the availability of the quota set in that particular award category.
  8. Applicants are required to register as a DISTED student and pay both the application fee and registration fee to be eligible for DISTED Excellence Scholarship