Placement & Partnership


The Placement Unit is dedicated to offer placement services to DISTED students, helping them to identify potential universities while attending their pre-university courses.

The unit will assist students from to apply for a place at overseas and at local universities. University application forms and brochures are available.

The unit will from time to time organize fairs and talks to help pre-university students find their future universities which suit their interests.

DISTED College also provides articulation pathways for our students to pursue their further studies with our partner universities after completing their studies here or to continue elsewhere. Please refer to our list of partner universities at our International Links page.

To apply or book for a consultation, please email to us at  then our Placement Office personnel will be in touch with you.


Placement & Partnership – DISTED College

The Placement Unit also provides career-related services with emphasis on enhancing the students’ employability and exploring career and internship opportunities, for both local and international students. The objective is to build a strong foundation in students for them to be career-ready and well-accepted in the job market. DISTED’s internship programme has been endorsed by TalentCorp which was set up under the country’s Economic Transformation Plan (ETP) to produce highly skilled human capital in Malaysia.

For companies would like to be part of the Internship database to be shared with the students, please proceed to register and  fill in the details in the following link:



The Placement Unit achieves its goals of enhancing the students’ employability and enriching their experience with the industry through a series of employability-related activities, including career talks, recruitment sessions, seminars, career fairs, career guidance and industrial visits, among others.

It serves as the liaison center between institutions, students and employers while working closely with academic schools, and industry partners to ensure and maintain the classroom-industry connection and relevance. The Placement Unit also aims to assist final-year students and fresh graduates in exploring opportunities in various industries and practical training.

The latest job opportunities for graduates will be published on notice boards, eNewsletters and social media platforms as a service to our graduating students and also to our alumni.

For companies who would like to be part of our industry partners in hiring our graduated students/alumni, please feel free to share with us some details in the following link so that we can make it available in students portal or any of our social media platform

>>Job Posting<<

Career Service at DISTED College Penang

DISTED has over the years built itself a strong partnership with industry partners to assist in developing our curriculum and also to provide career pathways to our graduates. We are constantly looking for new and healthy partnerships to enhance our services to our students and at the same time provide the industries with graduates who can perform up to their expectations from the day they start their working life.

Some of our partners are as follows: