UN Women announced the theme for International Women’s Day (IWD) 2022 is “Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow”. IWD is a prominent event that honours women’s socioeconomic achievements, cultural, and political. The day focuses on the women’s rights movement and raises awareness of a variety of topics, including gender reproductive rights, equality, and abuse and violence against women.
IWD is not only a commemoration event, but it also highlights the remarkable women who have forged their way to success in a gender-biased society. Every year on this day, women all over the world honour the renowned mentors who helped them along the way and helped them reach their goals in addition women work on achieving the objective they set for themselves.
In Penang this year, the state government, through the Penang Women’s Development Corporation (PWDC), is organising a month-long campaign themed “#BreaktheBias.” PWDC chief executive officer said March 8 would be “Wear Purple Day”. “It’s a symbolic effort to express your support for women’s empowerment. A “Purple Carnival” with the cooperation of PDC Setia Urus will also be held on March 8 on the third floor of Komtar. Meanwhile, also organise a Pioneer Recognition Ceremony to honour individuals who have empowered women as more than 70 nominations have been received from women and men from various backgrounds. [Source: TheStar]
Many people believe that women have equal rights to men, but do we? Feminism is still significant in today’s world. Feminism is the belief that women have the right to choose what they wish to do with their lives. It’s about not being restricted from reaching your full potential due to your gender. Thus, women’s suffrage and our right to an education are no longer issues, as these and many other battles have already been won. Women’s rights have gone a long way in the last century, but there is still plenty to be achieved.
Despite the fact that the struggles are no longer the same as they were in the past, but feminism is still significant today. In the workplace, women are still not treated equally. Many people have misconceptions about what feminism is all about. Feminism today simply refers to women having the same rights as men and being treated equally. Why should we stop now when we’ve come so far?
In short, I would like to dedicate this article to all women’s out across the global and to neither academic nor non-academic women staffs in DISTED @DISTEDCollege with a powerful quote of “You Cannot Shake Hands with a Clenched Fist.” by Indira Gandhi.
Article written by:
Sutharsan a/l Paramesvaran,
Student of DISTED College Penang,
BA (HONS) ACCOUNTING & FINANCE (3+0) by Staffordshire University, UK.