Penang, February 20, 2024 marks a significant milestone in the collaboration between DISTED Pulau Pinang Sdn. Bhd. and Wawasan Open University endorse a Memorandum of Agreement founded on shared visions, mutual growth, and a steadfast commitment to advancing education and professional development. This partnership celebrates the union of complementary strengths, leveraging DISTED’s esteemed legacy as Penang’s pioneering private tertiary institution and its excellence in pre-university, diploma, and degree programmes, alongside Wawasan Open University’s dedication to adult education and its extensive range of programmes from sub-degree to postgraduate levels.


This agreement underscores a collaborative endeavour across various vital initiatives, including extending WOU’s programs to DISTED employees and their families, offering internship opportunities for WOU students, and initiating projects beneficial to both entities and, more importantly, their students and staff. It heralds a new era of innovation and progress in education, embodying the collective achievements possible when working together towards enhancing educational quality and creating new opportunities for learning and development.

As we anticipate the unfolding of this partnership over the next five years and beyond, we embrace it with mutual respect, cooperation, and a unified vision for the future. Together, DISTED and WOU are set to break new ground in education, research, and community engagement, illustrating the profound impact of collaborative effort on the educational landscape.